Sunday, March 22, 2009

Have I ever shown you.....

The Mustard Face
(Long came up with that)

Beautiful Children

Yup, I've got 'em.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Today is my 33rd birthday, it started out a bit rough - Maggy stayed up late last night.

I'm laughing right now as she's standing in front of me on the desk, one foot propped up on Jim's textbook. She's been shoving things off the desk, then stopped to loop my headphones over her head and picked up my iPod. When she saw me looking at her she gave me a funny laugh and a look like, "don't watch me Mom, this is private business." Which translates to, "Please don't take this all away and make me get off the desk?!"

So, back to the birthday stuff. I got up, running late for work- needing the coffee I quite drinking. (Oh well, it's my birthday and Starbucks called) Fletch wanted me to open my presents, right now (work can wait another five minutes - right?).
Maggy gave me an exercise dvd I like, Fletch gave me a MUCH needed iPod cover and Jim gave me a MUCH wanted mandoline. It's this one which is perfect, but I'm a bit scared to use after reading just how many people have visited the ER to have finger parts reattached after using it!

I got off work early, had a nice visit with my Dad and then headed to SLO with Jim and the kids to spend Maggy's birthday gift certificate at Tom's Toys from Grandma and Grandpa. We had fun picking out an sweet little alphabet board book, a soft monkey with hands made for teething, and a few other animals she and Fletch love to play with together.

Then on to Mom and Harvest's for dinner, ice cream sundaes and more gifts: this travel tea mug and two wheat free cook books which will arrive soon!

Tomorrow Jim and I will head to the movie theater, we've not been since I was pregnant with Maggy. Harvest will come over and watch the kiddos, which Fletch is so very happy about. At some point on that outing we'll stop by Michaels so I can spend the birthday money Granny sent on new water colors and paint brushes - I've not had new water colors since high school - I think it's about time!

It was a beautiful and sweet day, thanks to all my loved ones!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

News from the kids

Today, Maggy decided to re-decorate our coffee table. She added two front teeth-shaped marks! Jim said there was lots of blood, crying a fat lip - but her teeth are still attached to her gums. Thank goodness.
Granny sent Jim's new favorite t-shirt to Mags for her birthday.

Fletch has been in Karate for just over a month now. Here he is in his gee, showing off important moves. He loves class, and takes it all very seriously.
We had looked into karate class last year, but Jim and I felt he was not quite ready. He was still just a bit too goofy to pay attention during class.
This year we thought he might still have a hard time keeping the silliness in check - but to our surprise he's very intent on participating in the class, doing well and learning all he can. To avoid a smack on the head with a belt (lightly, otherwise Mom would not allow it) and push ups, he is not so goofy. On April 2nd he will take his first belt test to move on to the next color!

Sunday, March 01, 2009


Today was the right day, though not the right date. I had no idea how much that would confuse me! Instead of waking up singing Happy Birthday, I said, "You're one year old today!".

It just doesn't feel like her Birthday, weird. I'm sure by next year I won't be so stuck on the date thing. Either way, we had a good day celebrating Maggy:

We played a the park, Maggy climbed lots and ate sand.

Her favorite thing was the slide.

After dinner she took a bath in the sink, which she thought was pretty funny.

After the bath we gave her a few gifts, a wooden car from Mom and Dad. A wagon from Fletch, she thinks the wagon is fabulous.

We're sure about the wheat problem now. She and I have both been wheat free since the tenth. Her rash has gotten better, but not completely gone. We're hoping with her teeth getting ready to break through the rash will disappear. So I was surprised to see bright red back today - her poor tummy. The only thing I ate different yesterday was fish and chips, what could be wrong there? Duh. The breading. Solves that - wheat back out.

Maggy is amazing, she has such a strong personality - very fiery. She cracks herself up, and us along with her. She climbs everything, throws what she can't climb and has a fascination with table lamps.