Thursday, February 05, 2009

I am.....

Too busy.

I've started several posts lately, but can't seem to finish any. I've got a few minutes now, on my lunch break: Maggy just fell asleep and the boys are out getting the oil changed in the car.

Our life is busy and happy and rainy. I'm still grateful to be working, but missing my baby fiercly. Fletcher is amazing, I miss him too - but it's easier to be away from him. I can talk to him when I get home, I can find out how he's feeling and how his day was. Thank goodness for hugs and cuddles - Maggy and I do lots of that when I get home.

I've got too many knitting projects going at once, wool pants for Maggy, Nate's Christmas gift - a beanie, socks for myself, Maggy's birthday sweater, and crocheted animals I was trying to get finished for Fletcher's party (but did not).
In the evenings I intend to sit in front of the t.v. with Jim and knit, but then there are dishes calling, Jim needs a back rub, a baby waking up again or I'm just plain too lazy to do it!
So I'm really looking forward to this Sunday's knitting date with lots of lovely ladies at a coffee shop in Paso. Whoo Hoo!!!!

Now that I'm engrossed in talking about my life again, I've decided to head back to my previous posts and send them out to you...

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