Saturday night Fletcher stayed over at Bella's house with the three new kitties. Jim went out for a few beers with Matt and Maggy went to bed somewhat early. I spent the evening cleaning some, organizing some, and watching t.v. some.
We had a potluck on Sunday afternoon at the Kiler Canyon Farm and expected to pick up Fletch and maybe Bella on the way.
Sunday morning came, Maggy and I got up and ate and played and stayed out of the bedroom so Jim could sleep in.
Late morning came, Maggy and I played some more, Jim woke, I made more coffee for me and a cup for him.
Early afternoon came, I did some more organizing, some cleaning, Maggy played, Jim drank coffee and puttered a bit and called Seth to let him know when we would be heading that way to pick up Fletch.
A bit later as I was frantically baking cookies I was not sure would be any good (lots of substituting ingridients and hoping it would all turn out) Jim called Seth again and was informed Fletch could not be torn away from the kitties and they were willing to just keep him, forever.
So Fletcherless we were off, only an hour late and excited about the annual party.
It was our first date with Maggy. We were all missing Fletcher and knowing he would have enjoyed the potluck as he always does, but savoring just the same this rare and precious day with Mags.
It was exceptionally sweet spending time with our girl, giving her all our attention, and recieving all of hers in return.
The potluck was wonderful: great food (my kitchen sink cookies were a hit after all), beautiful surroundings, good friends, and lovely if a bit cool breezes.
I was kicking myself for leaving the camera at home. There were so many moments I was wishing to save and to share here:
Maggy taking turns on the slide with Matilda, Sage and Molly. Laughing hysterically as she zoomed down over and over again, landing hard on her butt and jumping up to run back around yelling, "MY TURN, MY TURN, MY TURN!!!!".
Maggy walking up the hill to the chicken coop. The sun shining in her hair, her arms swinging, singing a quiet song to herself.
Maggy, Molly and Sage jumping on a huge pile of strawbales, laughing, screaming, and singing, "Whose gonna pop, pop, pop, POP MY POPCORN!!!!"
Maggy finding her way to the chickens, standing quietly in awe, watching them peck at the ground as Molly collected the eggs.
Maggy and Matilda checking out the peacocks and imitating their calls.
Maggy wearing Rita's pink butterfly wings, climbing into Cyrus's walker and scooting herself right out the door and almost off the porch, stopping only long enough to ask me for help. Scooting herself down the walkway and across the grass, talking to herself all the way.
Maggy in Seth and Amber's closet, checking on the new kittens.
Maggy pushing each kitten into their Mommy's belly, "I want them have Milkies!!!!"
It was a great day, the first in a long time when I got to really see Maggy. No work, no fights with brother, no dishes, no laundry, just being with her, drinking in the person she is. I felt so lucky, so happy, so in love with my little girl.
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