Saturday, March 12, 2011

Birthday Weekend

Birthday preparations, for the three year old girl
The birthday girl arrives, a princess ready for her special day
decorating wands and crowns

Fletch was provided with something a bit more in line with his interests, he was glad for that.
Kennedy playing in Maggy's kitchen.
present time!  kennedy and aunt amber brought this funny little singing bear, we all enjoyed him.
a puzzle from Fletch.
Aunt Barbara's apron and kitchen them.
All three girls loved the felt doll set from Aunt Barbara and Junah.
Pink princess cupcaks, with some blue ones per Fletcher's request, made by Aunt Harvest.
very yummy.
pinkalicious, lickalicious.
second helpings.
she reminds me of alice  in wonderland.
running off some sugar
what a group
Happy Birthday Magpie.

It was a fabulous party, the girls were sweet and so fun to watch together, and despite the fact that I imagined Fletcher might feel a bit bummed being the only boy and older kid - he really enjoyed himself and played with the girls very happily.  It was relaxed and full of joy, a princess party for our princess.

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